I put 'ish', because I wasn't technically following a recipe... well I was... sort of. My mum made this for us at home, and she didn't use a recipe. I basically followed what she did, so that is why I was sort of following a recipe and sort of not!
Anyway, the ingredients are as follows: minced beef, red onion, sweetcorn, a red pepper, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, chilli powder and cheese. The only real prep was to make a tortilla bowl. This was simply a case of brushing a tortilla lightly with oil, pressing it into a bowl and putting it in the oven for 10 minutes at Gas 6/220C. Then it just needs to cool for a little bit- I don't know exactly how long I did mine for! The beef can cook while you chop the ingredients and then it just a case of mixing everything together. Even better, I have leftovers for lunch for two days now! I could have made it serve more, but... I had a dollop of Greek yoghurt as well, but that was just a little extra because I had some, not an essential.
For dessert, as I finished my exams today, I had a tropical fruit crumble. I put half a can of tropical fruit into my NEW mini Le Crueset pot, and topped it with a normal crumble topping and a spoonful of tropical granola. Very quick, but very tasty.
My tortilla bowl ready to go in
Very red at the moment...
But look how colourful now!
All together, minus the Greek yoghurt
Leftovers, the best part?!
Coastal Blue Le Crueset! With my fruit.
You can see the lovely fading colours much better here!
Nearly done, just needs the oven.