Friday 18 January 2013

Charming Chickpeas

I have posted about this curry before, can't find it anywhere, but you guys are welcome to trawl though last posts if you so wish! Anyway, I have modified the recipe slightly, which is why I am posting about it again. When I had it befor, I liked it so much, and it was so filling, I emailed my mum the recipe. She loved it too, but we both agreed it was too dry, and needed 'something'... We thought tomato purée or sauce might be too rich, so I agreed to experiment next time I made it. I was prepared to add tomato sauce to it, but when I was draining the chickpeas I had a flash of inspiration... Use the chickpea liquid! I'd already tipped some away, but I just added the rest (probably about a third to half a can) when the chickpeas themselves were added. It actually turned out a little but TOO liquids, but definitely better. I suggested to my mum to add the liquid in increments until it is just right. It was still delicious and filling though, so I am not at all complaining.   It doesn't even need the rice, it would go just as we'll on it's own.

And do not fear, Freestyle Friday is not gone, it is just on Saturday this week! And I as I head out to my university placement on Monday, expect quite a bit more freestyle days!

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