A random combination, you might think. Well I'll explain, and hopefully all will become clear. First, the apology. I know I've been a but rubbish with posting lately, but I've been so busy moving into my university accomodation and getting sorted. I hope to be able to carry on blogging as regulalrly as possible, although it will mainly be the meals I make as I won't have much time for crafting!
Next the out of season cake. I haven't managed to take photos of anything recently, but I found a photo of what I believe to be an Easter cake when I was organising my photos. It's Nigella Lawson's Chocolate Easter Cake- sort of chocolate, meringue sponge contraption. Easy to make, and of course, absolutely scrummy!
Lastly the chickens. Not much explanation needed, they are some chickens I crocheted from a Nikki Trench book- Super Cute Crochet, I believe it was.
Now I must love and leave you, as my reading list awaits!