Saturday 27 October 2012

Pizza, but not as you know it...

I'm aware that the title makes this post sound quite mysterious... But it's not. Unless you've never heard of French Bread Pizza, in which case it is mysterious. On the slim chance you haven't heard of them, let me explain. Basically, a baguette, cut into sections with normal piza toppings. Sounds simple, but it's a very nice, and very filling tea! First, I spreas mine with some tomato sauce I made a few days ago, then sprinkled it with oregano. Then sliced tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms and parmesan. Grill 'em for 10 minutes, and they're done. I know it's Saturday, but they are the perfect midweek supper. Be warned though, if you use a lot of cheese it's like molten lava after being so close to the grill! I didn't have a lot of cheese left, so no problem there tonight!

Right before one of them fell over...


I'd love to hear your thoughts!